Bring It to Your Neighborhood

Bring your community an inspirational evening of climate films and discussion.

Drama, documentary, dark comedy, and award-winning animation address our many possible climate futures, exposing a range of interior responses---optimism and cynicism, climate denial and climate grief, rage and heartbreak, resilience and resolve. A half-day Climate Feeling & Action Workshop is offered online as follow-up.

IF YOUR EVENT IS FREE TO THE PUBLIC, the $500 Festival Screening Fee is waived. The Festival is offered FREE as a public service to your community. The tech/handling/admin fee of $45 is charged.

IF YOUR VENUE CHARGES ADMISSION OR REQUESTS DONATIONS, the Festival Screening Fee of $500, or a portion of ticket sales, is charged, plus the $45 tech/handling/admin fee. Contact the Festival Director at 401-751-3766. FUNDRAISERS and for-profit venues are welcome.

"These 10 films are very real. Sometimes they're hard to watch, but they're also very, very hopeful in that they will move you to action, and action is what we need." ---Bill McKibben



VIEW THE ENTIRE SCREENING HERE (2 hours). (A watermarked version, not for public display.)

Venue Resources

For those hosting the festival, these resources help you plan & promote your screening and encourage continued community engagement. Download them here: